Our American Hairless Terriers are our pets and family members first and foremost, living in our house and sleeping in our beds. We breed sparingly, generally only when we are looking for our next generation of show and/or performance dogs. While the dogs produced here carry the WMK (Woodland Manor Kennel) prefix on their registered names, our dogs have never lived in a kennel and it is our hope that the puppies we bring into this world end up in similar situations (i.e., living in family situations as loved members of their forever homes). When we do make the decision to breed one of our dogs, it is only after careful consideration of temperament, structure and pedigree and only after the successful completion of health screenings.
Baynx x Pita: 11/14/2021
Baynx x Pita: 11/3/2020
Helyx x Vyper 9/21/2018
Perry x Journey litter: 2/6/2015
All WMK pups are dual-registered with UKC – United Kennel Club and AKC – American Kennel Club.
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